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En enero de 2019 nos escribió una chica, contándonos que al pasear con su compi de 4 patas encontró al lado de un contenedor un tupper con bebés de rata dentro.
Al abrirlo, comprobó que la mayoría habían muerto asfixiadas, menos 3. Las llevó a su casa, e intentó sacarlas adelante, pero para una de ellas ya era demasiado tarde, y falleció.
Ona tiene la frente, barriga y patitas blancas, el resto del cuerpo gris. Es más tímida, desconfiada y más precavida que su hermana Aritz, suponemos que por el poco contacto que tuvo con el ser humano. Pero nosotras no la obligamos a que se relacione si no quiere, le damos total libertad para que decida en todo momento qué le apetece hacer y si se siente cómoda manteniendo contacto con nosotras.
Do you want to be part of his/her life?
From 12€ per month.
In January of 2019 a girl write us saying that when she was walking with his 4 legs friend she found a tupperware with baby rats near to a trashcan.
When she opened it she found most of the baby dead from aphisxia, but 3 were still alive. She bring them to their home, and try to keep them alive, but for one of them it was to late and died later.
Ona has the forehead, the belly and the paws white, and the other parts gray. She is shy, mistrustful and more cautious than her sister Aritz, we suppose this si because she has few contact with human beings.
But we don't force her to interact, we give her full freedom to decide what she wants to do and feel confortable and safe with human interaction.