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Es una podenca que encontramos corriendo por la carretera de un pueblo de Huelva cuando volvíamos de ver una finca. Hacía mucho calor, el asfalto estaba ardiendo, y la pobre se encontraba en estado de alerta, muy nerviosa, jadeando, deshidratada y muerta de miedo. Desconocemos cuál es su procedencia, si la usaban para cazar y persiguiendo a algún animal se despistó, si se escapó de donde vivía...
No llevaba microchip, tampoco sabía pasear con correa, ni le resultaba familiar caminar por la calle, el ruido de los coches... Es una perra a la que han maltratado, lo demuestra cuando haces un movimiento brusco, coges la escoba, ve un palo, levantas la mano, en presencia de hombres o personas extrañas su comportamiento cambia, se siente incómoda, tiembla, se esconde, si la tocas aulla... Estamos haciendo todo lo posible porque se sienta segura, no nos tenga miedo y confíe en nosotras, para que viva más tranquila, y sepa que en su nuevo hogar no va a ocurrirle nada malo. Es muy divertida y juguetona, cariñosa y besucona, con el muelle del pipí flojo, y una destrozadora de zapatillas experta.
Llegó la hora de disfrutar de la vida, y que la traten como se merece, como alguien, no algo.
¿Quieres formar parte de su vida?
Desde 12€ al mes.
She's a "podenca" that we found running near the road in a Huelva's village when we were coming back from visiting a land.
It was really hot and the asfalt was burning, she was really nervous, tired dehydrated and absolutely panicked.
We don't know her origin, if someone was using her to hunt and maybe she was chasing an animal she got lost, if she scape from the place she was living at...
She hadn't microchip, she didn't know how to walk on a leash, she was not used to walk on the street, cars noise etc... We are sure she was abused, you can notice it when you make an abrupt movement, when you use the broom, or when she sees a pole, when you rise your hand.
In the presence of men or unknown people she changes her behaviour, she's unconfortable, she shakes, hides and if you touch her she howls...
We are making our best to make her fell safe, so she can trust us and enjoy a quiet life knowing that in her new home nothing bad will happen.
She is really fun, playful and kissy, sometimes she pees accidentally when something is really exciting and she's an expert shoe's destroyer.
It's time to enjoy life and to enjoy the treat she deserves, she is someone, not something.