Si tienes cualquier duda sobre los productos o la tienda escribenos a
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Consists in an app that helps you to discover 100% plant based food all arround the world and also to influence enterprises to add more vegan-friendly options to their services. Is like a vegan version for Tripadvisor and Instagram!
There is no daily limit for publications! If each Espiritu Libre's follower makes a review, we will get the money that the inhabitants need to move to a new field, and save Espíritu Libre.
You can download it through Play Store or App Store, and you can upload reviews for restaurant dishes, supermarket products, shops etc.
Every 10 review gives you the right to make a 10$ donation to Espiritu libre absolutely free!!
We are going through hard times, in this situation any donation or help is a big support and this is a big opportunity to collaborate without spencing a cent.